Journal Information
Journal Title | : Collabryzk Journal for Scientific Studies |
Abbreviation | : Coll. J. Sci. Stu. |
Short Title | : CJSS |
DOI Prefix | : 10.58959/cjss by Crossref |
Languange | : Indonesia and English |
ISSN (BRIN) | : 2962-8679 (online) |
Publication Frequency | : Every month |
Management Style | : Open Access Journal |
Editor in Chief | : Annastasia Ediati, S.Psi., M.Sc., Ph.D. |
Journal Summary
Collabryzk Journal of Scientific Studies (CJSS) is a peer-reviewed journal that publishes scientific articles in the field of psychology, social, education, and health sciences (e-ISSN = 2962-8679). CJSS invites academics, researchers, and practitioners to publish their studies and perspectives based on expertise in the form of original article, review, or opinion. CJSS aims to bring scientific results into practice and invites practitioners to showcase their expertise in a research-based forum. Papers submitted to the journal should be methodologically sound and reflects the current trends in the field of psychology, social, education, and health sciences.
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Current Issue
Health & Clinical Psychology
Pelatihan Efikasi Diri untuk Menurunkan Kecenderungan Relapse: Studi Eksperimen Kuasi Pada Pecandu Napza
Abstract View: 151, PDF Download: 93 DOI : -
Reducing Anxiety in Bullied Teens: A scooping review on cognitive therapy
Abstract View: 102, PDF Download: 98 DOI : -
Life After Stroke: Studi Fenomenologis Kualitas Hidup Penyintas Stroke di Indonesia
Abstract View: 88, PDF Download: 70 DOI :
Social Studies
Child labor in Indonesia: Do these children happy?
Abstract View: 128, PDF Download: 94 DOI :
Psychological Assessment and Intervention
Gangguan suasana hati terkait menstruasi Gambaran problem psikologis dan intervensinya
Abstract View: 386, PDF Download: 506 DOI : -
Differential item functioning analysis on UCLA Loneliness Scale 8 using Rasch model
Abstract View: 267, PDF Download: 316 DOI :