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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is double-spaced; uses a 12-point font; and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

General Instrutions

  1. Articles must advance knowledge, and make a strong theoretical and/or empirical contribution to the literature on industrial and organizational psychology.
  2. Authors should write the articles use clear English or Bahasa Indonesia that is comprehensible to readers outside of their area of specialism.
  3. Authors should ensure that their methods section is not too long or not too short but provide enough information for reviewers or readers to understand the scientific methods applied to collect data and to withdraw conclusion based on rationale and evidence.
  4. Articles must be original research or thoughts and must not have already been published or be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  5. All quotations from published work, including any of the author's own previous work, must be acknowledged as such and fully cited. (Authors may only repeat the method from their own previous published works without citation.)
  6. We encourage articles with strong research methods, and particularly those that reported novel findings. 
  7. CJSS uses CrossCheck™ powered by iThenticate software to check if manuscript content has already been published elsewhere. CJSS follows the COPE Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for journal editors. 
  8. Articles should be written following the scientific guidelines from the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), Seventh Edition. The author should also follows the APA guidelines in reporting statistics.
  9. The authors may use Mendeley or Zotero or Reference Management software in citing the reference in the manuscript and in writing bibliography following the APA style (7th edition). For a detailed APA Citation Guide, please see APA Referencing Style. 
  10. The article should be submitted to the editors by using the Open Journal System (OJS). Click the submission button, then register as an author, and then follows the step in submitting the article.
  11. CJSS provides the manuscript template (in Word and PDF file). CJSS uses Tahoma font (10 pt), single space throughout the manuscript, A4 page size (210 x 297 mm). The total words are 3000-5000, including pictures, graphs, and tables (if any).
  12. CJSS applys a single blind review system, authors do not know the reviewers’ identities and affiliations. However, please provides with your phone number (preferrable WhatsApp) to communicate the submission process in case the authors do not check emails regularly.
  13. The content of articles should be in narrative essay format, written in paragraphs, with no numbering of headings, and should include these components:
    • Title. This should be a brief formulation of the content, and be compact and clear to attract readers. 
    • Abstract. This should be in English and Indonesian. It should comprise one single-spaced paragraph and not exceed 200 words. It should be brief and clear in describing the study background, study aims, methods, result, and conclusion. Do not use abbreviations or citations.
    • Keywords. Provide 3-5 keywords, arranged in alphabetical order and separated using semicolons. It can be part of research variables, the characteristics of the subjects, the applied theories etc.
    • Highlight. Provide 2-3 points to highlight, regarding what had been known from the previous studies and what the present study adds. 
    • Introduction. This should briefly provide information about the background, literature review, originality of the work, hypotheses (if using a quantitative method), and objective. Avoid the use of secondary citations. 
    • Methods. These should inform readers about the materials and methods used for the research. Please ensure that sufficient information is given to allow for replication of the research. This section comprises study design, participants recruitment procedures, instruments or data collection methods, study procedures, and data analysis techniques.
    • Results. These present the outcome of the study. Use tables and figures whenever appropriate. The results should be able to answer the research question and/or hypotheses. 
    • Discussion. This section contains an explanation of the study findings in relation to the previous studies that have been critically analyzed, and linked to relevant current literature. This section should give substantial meaning to the study findings and provides critical analysis in comparison to previous findings. The authors should also address the strengths and limitations of their study. This section should not be a repetition of the results section. 
    • Conclusion. The conclusion should be presented in concise, clear, and compact sentences based on the results and discussions, in the one paragraph (not in bullet or numbering); contain the findings of the study as a synthesis of the results of the data analysis and the discussions; highlight new findings that contribute to the development of psychology; and suggest paths for the further research. This section should also highlight the implications of the findings. 
    • References. Provide a list of references in alphabetical order following the American Psychological Association (APA) Referencing Style (7th Edition). All listed references must be cited in the text and all citations in the text must be listed in the list of references. The DOI for each reference must be provided, if available. The authors are advised to use reference manager software such as Mendeley or Zotero or Reference Manager. The majority (85%) of references used should be primary source (journal articles) and published in the past 10 years and
    • Tables and Figures. Tables and Figures are used to present data or findings to help readers understand better the study. Authors must explain what the readers should look for when using tables or figures. All tables and picture captions are written with text. The arrangement and placement of tables and figures must refer to the APA 7th Edition about tables and figures. CJSS provides an Article Template to illustrate how to display data in the form of tables or figures.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

It publishes article related to I/O psychology, such as employee engagement, work-family balance, customer satisfaction, employee loyalty, recruitment & selection, human resources development, performance appraisal, change organization, leadership, etc.

Training and Development

Publishes articles related to training design, training methods, conducting training, training evaluation. It may refer to offline as well as online training, using gaming as a training deliver tool, etc. Original article, review, and case studies are welcome.

Marriage and Parenting

It publishes articles related to marital problems, marital relationship, divorce, second marriage, re-marriage, marital counseling/therapy, parenting children across ages (infant, children, adolescents). Original article, review, and case studies are welcome.

Psychological Assessment and Intervention

It publishes articles related methods and techniques applied in psychological assessment and intervention. It may refer to scale development, scale adaptation, computer-based assessment or intervention in psychology, etc. Original article, review, and case studies are welcome.

Multidisciplinary Qualitative Research

It publishes findings from qualitative studies from psychology, anthropology, sociology, education, nursing, midwifery, and other field that study the social and behavioral aspects of certain phenomenon.

Gen-Z Studies

It publishes scientific articles on generation Z from various perspectives, such as education, psychology, culture, behavior, and health. Gen Z are people who born on 1997-2012.

Community Service

It publishes report on community services program applied from various disciplines, such as education, psychology, culture, behavior, and health. It reports the problems in the community, methods applied to carry out a planned program to improve the community, and the impact of community services at the end of the program.

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