Differential item functioning analysis on UCLA Loneliness Scale 8 using Rasch model


  • Dito Aryo Prabowo Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Diponegoro




Loneliness, UCLA Loneliness Scale 8, Differential item functioning, Rasch Model


Background: Loneliness measurement is profound to assess inidividuals in enforced social isolation from government due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Major scales including UCLA Loneliness Scale 8 or ULS-8 have been employed for this reason. However, comprehensive validation study, including differential item functioning (DIF) to sought different estimation between groups are seldomly studied in adaptation study. Study aims: This study aims to analyze DIF of ULS-8 using Rasch model detection method. Method: 1500 Indonesian respondents data were obtained with online questionnaire inspecting three different subgroups; age group (young and middle adult age group), gender (male and female), and marital statuses (married or not married). Result and Conclusion: Based on probability (p < .05) and t-value higher than 2 (|t|>2), it was found that one item was different significantly in age group comparison, two items were differed in gender subgroup, and no DIF detected in marital statuses subgroup.


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Psychological Assessment and Intervention